Bibb administration, Cleveland Foundation to raise $10 million to combat Cleveland crime

Published: Oct. 4, 2023 at 4:25 PM EDT
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CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Cleveland has been a breeding ground of crime for years.

After years of high crime rates, the Bibb administration has been funding organizations left and right to combat the amount of crime in the city of Cleveland.

Now, they partnered with the Cleveland Foundation to spread a total of $10 million toward prevention and intervention-based programs.

The “City of Cleveland Neighborhood Safety Fund” will allocate $1 million every year to help combat the rise of crime.

“We really care about our young people, that we really care about this city,” Council President Blaine Griffin said. “That we really care about each other and that we will not give this city up to the few bad actors that try to define our city.”

Though no programs have been selected as of yet, Mayor Justin Bibb has an idea of what kind of programs he’d like to fund.

“Organizations like the Peacemakers Alliance, who’s been doing a lot of great work with violence interrupter programs across our city,” Bibb said. “And there are probably projects and programs that we haven’t even discovered yet that’ll bubble up because of this new fund.”

To sign up, organizations can visit the Cleveland Foundation website on Oct. 9th until Nov. 15.